Regular Programmes

Sastri (B.A)

Eligibility :- 10+2 / PUC (with Sanskrit as a subject)

Course Tenure :- 4 Years / 8 Semesters

Medium :- Sanskrit.

Fee :- As per University

Eligibility :- B.A / Sastri in Dvaita Vedanta

Course Tenure :- 2 Years / 4 Semesters 

Medium :- Sanskrit

Fee :- As per University

Online Programmes

The department introduced online courses from the academic year 2020-21 to reach the intrested people.

1. Certificate Course 

2. Diploma Course

3. Advanced Diploma Course 

Target group

Part time students ,who are working full time and who are unable to be physical present in Campus.

Why online Course ?  

This mode of education is more convenient, affordable, and effective. 

To make resources available to everyone from everywhere, at any time

It allows students to study and pursue their academic goals without having to be physical present in a campus.

In the present scenario irrespective of age, everybody inquire about Vedanta to get peace of mind. So to reach them, this  mode of education is most relevant.

Details and Syllabus of Online Courses

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Sastri Discipline Specific Core (DSC) and Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Syllabus

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Sastri Open Elective (OE) Syllabus

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Sastri (EL) Syllabus

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Acharya Discipline Specific Core (DSC) Syllabus

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Acharya Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) Syllabus

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